Springfield Plastics has a complete plastic pipe solution for all your drainage needs.
Springfield Plastics has provided high-quality polyethylene corrugated drainage pipe for use in the agricultural, residential/building, commercial, and highway markets since 1978. The high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe is manufactured at the highest quality control standards, ensuring consistency and durability.
Benefits of Corrugated High-Density Polyethylene Pipe
Service Life
High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe has been produced for 65+ years and has an excellent performance track record in drainage applications. Springfield Plastics has been producing single-wall drainage pipe for 40+ years and dual-wall drainage pipe for 30+ years with countless installations still functioning at optimum performance. HDPE Pipe manufactured today meets or exceeds the criteria set forth by AASHTO to have a service life exceeding 100 years.
Structural Design
HDPE pipe is lightweight with an extremely high strength-to-weight ratio and various lengths. This allows for smaller work crews and less heavy machinery all while maintaining the utmost quality and structural strength.
Corrosion Resistance
HDPE pipe is highly inert and resistant to rust and corrosion. It resists biological growth by bacteria and fungi, as well. HDPE pipe also has a high chemical resistance so, unlike steel and metal pipes, it is ideal for harsh chemical environments.
Watertight Joints
Unlike concrete joints that can have manufacturing flaws or flaws caused during the unloading movement process that are difficult to fix once at the site and can be hard to assemble in cold temperatures, the joints on HDPE pipe create a leak-free, self-resistant structure. Our pipe is specially designed to create a precise fit and a completely sealed joint from one piece of pipe to the next. The nature of the pipe's design allows for quick and efficient installation with a minimal number of workers, all while ensuring a completely sealed joint every time.
Structural Characteristics
Made of materials just a fraction of the density of steel, HDPE pipe is lightweight, and liners and coatings are unnecessary as it is resistant to abrasion, unlike other materials. Due to its unique characteristics, HDPE can withstand high-traffic areas with low burial depths. Its strength also contributes to its effectiveness in earthquake-prone areas.
- HDPE pipe and fittings are inherently tough, resilient, and resistant to damage caused by external loads and vibrations. It preserves excellent hydraulic characteristics throughout the pipe service life.
- Because it is smoother than other materials, a smaller diameter pipe can carry an equivalent volumetric flow at the same pressure. It has less drag and a lower tendency for turbulence at high flow.
Plastic pipe is available in a wide variety of sizes (4-60" diameter). Depending on the wall thickness of the pipe, concrete pipe can take up more space than is necessary and can interfere with existing utilities and service lines during installation, raising project costs and extending timelines. Due to the variety of lengths and widths of plastic pipe, orders can be customized to specifically accommodate a job and its needs.
The Illinois Department of Transportation has approved the same installation method for both concrete and plastic, but there are some significant differences in the costs:
- The lightweight and long lengths of plastic drainage pipe allow for less heavy machinery and work crews and a shorter installation time. Because concrete is such a heavy material, heavy machinery and large work crews are needed for the installation process, thereby increasing the length of installation as well as the risk of injury.
- Job site functionality installation times can extend should an issue arise during installation. With concrete, there would be a considerable increase in workloads, times, and costs because modifications to the concrete structure are timely and costly. Using HDPE pipe makes it easy to make modifications right on-site to fit the necessary project needs while still maintaining the integrity and strength of the structure.
Jetting/Clean Out
Plastic drainage pipe can be cleaned out very easily. Other materials that become corroded and rusted will not clean out easily as the jetting pressure blows out the rusted and corroded portions of the pipe compromising its performance. Since plastic pipe is highly inert and resistant to rust and corrosion, cleaning out the pipe will not compromise its strength and performance. Our dual-wall pipe has been subjected to 1500 psi for over a 30-minute period with no deterioration of the inner wall.